
Facebook’s Libra testnet available now on ZenGo



Source: Pixabay

Social media giant Facebook has been under the spotlight for quite some time, following its entry into the crypto world with its coin Libra. In recent news, six lawmakers from the U.S. are said to visit Switzerland to further discuss the launch of the cryptocurrency.

Despite the obstacles Libra is facing, the Libra testnet is now available on ZenGo, a keyless crypto wallet. Previously the wallet launched a proof-of-concept particularly designed for Libra, making it the first wallet to support Facebook’s cryptocurrency.

ZenGo shared the update through its Twitter handle detailing the availability of the coin and its various functions. The tweet read,

The update was further confirmed through ZenGo’s blog post. The blog post suggested that the Libra testnet can be accessed through the wallet’s ‘Account’ tab. The blog post additionally read,

“Once you turn on the feature, make sure your wallet is backed up, and we’ll send you your first Libra. “

Along with Libra, Facebook had announced the launch of its native wallet Calibra. Since Facebook’s wallet is not yet available. ZenGo would act as a “non-custodial” wallet, unlike Calibra which is a custodial wallet, meaning Facebook will have full control over it.

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