The VI edition of the CIBTC Blockchain International Congress lands in Alicante

The Congress will celebrate its VI edition in the Auditorium of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Alicante [MACA] on November 29th and 30th. During the event, experts from Blockchain technology, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence of recognized international prestige will meet.
CIBTC International Blockchain Congress will celebrate on November 29 and 30 its VI edition in the Auditorium of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante [MACA] will feature various panels and workshops focused on the advances in technology. With the aim of making known in the same space the advances of Blockchain technology through national and international experts.
As a novelty in this edition, the Congress will have panels on Sport and Environment and will maintain the ones that have had the most impact on other editions, such as the Financial Industry, Legal, Fiscal and Privacy aspects, as well as the Women Today panel.
Congress has already made five successful editions in different Spanish cities and Andorra. It is a multicultural event that brings together presentations of technological innovations, new developments, and talks of the highest academic level. Workshops carried out by great experts, which will be aimed at new users and users with great specialization.
First level speakers, such as Alberto Gómez Toriobio, Santiago de Diego, Gonzalo García Valdecasas, Raúl Jaime Maestre, Yolanda Andrés Sebastian, Vicente Ortiz o Raúl López Specialized workshops for which no prior knowledge is needed, ranging from the compression of technology Blockchain from scratch to how to manage your own Decentralized App project [DApps].
Alberto Gomez Toribio said,
“Blockchain is much more than cryptocurrencies, just as the Internet is much more than email. However, for social networks, e-commerce and platforms such as Uber to be economically and technologically viable, it was necessary for the Internet to develop a critical mass of users and also several technological layers. The rest of the services were not possible until the email was unsuccessful and the scenario is repeated in Blockchain with payment methods such as Bitcoin. In this conference we will learn to identify the opportunity costs in Blockchain to develop a realistic strategy that reports benefits from day one.”
Santiago de Diego added,
“IOTA is a technology that promises to overcome some of the disadvantages of Blockchain in the field of micropayments and communications between IoT devices. In this workshop IOTA is presented briefly from a practical point of view, as well as the fundamental changes with respect to the previous version of technology.”
Gonzalo García-Valdecasas told,
“This time it is the turn of a latent issue such as the legal nature of the token and how to address the Fintech sector and Token Sales in Spain. Needs supervision by an ESI or brochure need. Negotiation of tokens in exchanges.”
Raúl Jaime Maestre Director of the Master of Blockchain and Fintech of IEBS remarked,
“Blockchain technology has become more than an alternative to money. It has become an infrastructure that allows you to build on the Internet, and create value exchange between people. This is going to affect all sectors, although it started in the financial sector, projects are already being seen in the health, energy, telecommunications, logistics traceability, insurance and of course in certifications.”
Yolanda Andrés Sebastián announced,
“In the world of trading, emotions such as fear, greed or hope can lead to wrong judgments and thereby obtain losses, I will talk about the behavior and emotions of traders in the face of failure or fear of losing the investment.”
Vicente Ortiz commented,
“I will address the issues related to the launch of projects in different jurisdictions such as Estonia or Lithuania as well as the processing of the necessary licenses to address projects such as Exchange, challenger bank or Criptobanco.”
Raúl López Country Manager of Prasos Ltd noted,
“Prasos Ltd focuses on providing secure cryptocurrency exchange and storage services. Company founded in Finland in 2012. It has recently become the third cryptocurrency operator in Europe licensed by the Payment Methods Institution. More than 80,000 customers and their main services are: Coinmotion, Bittiraha and Denarium.”
Fernando Molina, CTO of the Congress spoke,
“Our greatest interest is based on bringing new disruptive technologies to all layers of society, regardless of the level of knowledge and academic training.”
Óscar Domínguez, CEO of the Congress conveyed,
“Open the way to a new form of communication between people, things and society, since the future is here and it is called Blockchain.”
- Interactive demonstrations, you can enjoy interactive presentations that facilitate the process of acquiring knowledge in the area of Blockchain, Internet of Things or Artificial Intelligence.
- Discussion tables, each panel that lasts approximately 1 hour has a discussion table where each panel participant debates with the other speakers, it is time for questions from the public.
- Networking, in each edition meetings, are held with the speakers of the event, as well as other attendees, investors or developers.
The Internet and Technology Multimedia Association [AMIT] organizer of the congresses has awarded 200 tickets with access to all conferences and workshops. Request your ticket totally free by signing up for the waiting list in Eventbrite.
For more details, please click here.
Disclaimer: This is a partnered event.