
U.S. Presidency contender, Rep. Eric Swalwell now accepting Crypto donation



Source: Pixabay

Rep. Eric Swalwell is considering cryptocurrencies as a donation for his bid to the US Presidency for 2020. 

A blockfirm, The White Company, which is backing the initiative of the contender is looking at six supported cryptocurrencies which are bitcoin, ether, bitcoin cash, stellar, bitcoin SV and the tech companies native token [WSD].

Talking about the technology, Swalwell said:

“Blockchain can change the world, if we let it. So much of our public life now exists online, and there’s no reason to believe we can’t extent this further into put democracy and our economy – from exercising our right to vote, to how we look at cryptocurrency.”

The White Company is making use of stellar-based stablecoin which gives them quick access to funds of transactions less than a penny which settles in 3 seconds.

Elizabeth White, founder, White Company quoted:

“By enabling crypto donations, Swalwell not only makes it easier for [public] to support his campaign but also shows how he values the democratization of financial services to everyone, not just the wealth.”

Andrew Yang was the first 2020 presidential to accept cryptocurrency donation making Swalwell the second one to do so. 

Yang earlier showed a positive sign towards “creating clear guidelines in the digital asset world so that businesses and individuals can invest and innovate in the area without fear of a regulatory shift.”

Supporters will have to give in details like name, phone number and address with occupation and employer on the page while before they can contribute.

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