Brave Ads reward over 290,000 online creators in BAT

Brave Browser was the first to pioneer cryptocurrency based reward system for online creators, using its in-house BAT token. As a followup to its successful launch, the company released a blog post, which highlighted,
“High platform engagement persists with 14% click-through rate, compared to 2% industry average”
The post also highlighted that Brave currently caters to a creator base of over 290,000 Brave Verified Publishers who have joined to receive Basic Attention Tokens (BAT). The list includes 200,000 YouTube creators, 33,000 website publishers or creators, 15,000 Twitch streamers, and 28,000 Twitter accounts.
The Browser company also claimed to reach 8 million monthly active users and delivers nearly 400 privacy-preserving ad campaigns owing to a number of partnerships and ad campaign.

Brave highlighted partnerships with Intel and to leverage tokenized ad campaigns. The company mentioned,
“Brave has also initiated the purchase of BAT with ad revenue from brands that chose to pay for their campaigns in USD, in order to fund users with the 70% revenue ad share they receive for viewing Brave Ads in Brave Rewards.”