Crypto News

Boerse Stuttgart Group launches its regulated trading platform for German users



Source: Pixabay

The benefits of digital assets are being realized and this is evident from the news of big-league members joining the crypto-bandwagon. The digital exchange arm of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange (BSDEX) has now opened its gates for users to trade on the platform.

With its launch, BSDEX became the first regulated trading platform for digital assets in Germany. Here, investors have the authority to execute orders directly. Accompanied by the latest project, BSDEX has gained the capability of diffusing opportunities offered by blockchain technology with the existing, traditional financial market.

BSDEX operations will be complying with the regulatory requirements of Section 2 (12) mentioned in the German Banking Act. Only selective users are currently getting the chance to use the features of this exchange. German users will now get the opportunity to directly connect with the trading center and then trade Bitcoin against the Euro during the initial stages. Prospective clients can start registering from now onwards. This update was shared over the official Twitter handle of Boerse Stuttgart Group, with the tweet reading,

“#Börse Stuttgart launches first regulated trading venue for digital assets in Germany ++ #DigitalExchange enables experienced investors to trade cryptocurrencies directly, flexibly and efficiently”

Previously, Boerse Stuttgart Group was in the news for publicizing its crypto-trading app, Bison, for effectively opening the digital assets market to traders across the world.

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